An excerpt from The Disciple-Making Parent by Chap Bettis I can still remember the kick to my stomach. For the past nine months I had known we were going to have a baby. Sharon and I had talked about her, planned for…
By Dustin Brown You just finished leading the Wednesday night youth Bible study when one of your 17-year-old students approaches you. He was convicted by your message and confesses through tears that he has been hooked on pornography for the…
By: Josh Hussung It’s a day that you prayed wouldn’t come. You discover that the search history on your computer or phone shows that it has. Your child has been searching for internet pornography. Sadly, this is somewhat of a…
Mrs. Jordan said, “Eat your eggs and memorize your Bible verse.” I was a twenty-year-old-kid living in the home of a godly couple for a month while I took a summer-intensive course in college. My life was pretty simple. I…
“Daddy, will you ask your boss to let you come home early today?” Because we had enjoyed an extra special family night the evening before, my daughter wanted the special time to continue day and night. Obviously, I would love…