“2 I am about to go the way of all the earth. Be strong, and show yourself a man, 3 and keep the charge of the LORD your God, walking in his ways and keeping his statutes, his commandments, his…

By: Mitch Wiley, Programming Intern Recently someone asked me a thought-provoking question: “If you could have every Christian in America read one book, what would it be?”  My answer came rather quickly: Knowing God by J.I. Packer.  J.I. Packer is…

My family made a big move when I was seven, and I found myself starting second grade at a brand new school. During the first week of this new school, I was approached by a classmate outside the bathrooms who…

By: Josh Hussung It’s a day that you prayed wouldn’t come. You discover that the search history on your computer or phone shows that it has. Your child has been searching for internet pornography. Sadly, this is somewhat of a…

The month of February is chiefly known for Valentine’s Day. On February 14, the western world celebrates their relationship with their significant others. For this reason, we have decided to focus the Monday for Habits posts this month on relationships….

This is the last post in our series on pursuing discipline in 2017. This post will likely be the most difficult of the five areas we have considered. I say that because the average US household has around $90k in…

I remember the haunting words to this day: “Your dirty car is a spiritual problem.” A mentor of mine said this while teaching on dominion from Genesis 1. My car was not embarrassingly dirty, but I rarely gave it a…

When I was in college, I worked at a gym and loved every minute of it. One of the things that you notice working at a gym is the cycles of a calendar. We would have record-setting rates of sign-ups…

The Spiritual Discipline of Reading Widely and Regularly When I was 27, I started teaching a Sunday School class with my friend. We both had been married for two years, so naturally we decided to teach on marriage and family….

Trey Brunson gave us a needed exhortation this past Monday to read our Bible. In this post, I want to support that needed exhortation with some thoughts on why God’s Word is worth it. The Day the Squirrel Got Loose…