Guest Post

By: Mitch Wiley and Colton Taunton Finding the right Bible translation can be a lengthy process. Some readers are faithful to a certain version, while others shop around on a consistent basis. No matter where you find yourself on that…

By Trey Brunson I remember walking into the restaurant uneasily. The morning had gotten away from me. I had gotten up late, I had been rushing to catch up on stuff that was on my “to do” list that needed…

Sometimes, life is complicated. This can be increasingly true for followers of Jesus. Followers of Jesus don’t merely wander aimlessly through the flow of life; we attempt to bring our lives under the rule of our King. This means we…

By Dustin Brown You just finished leading the Wednesday night youth Bible study when one of your 17-year-old students approaches you. He was convicted by your message and confesses through tears that he has been hooked on pornography for the…

The Imperative That Changed Me I got to Starbucks early for a meeting yesterday, so I did what I always do when I have a few extra minutes, I pulled out a book.  As I sat in the corner to…

By: Mitch Wiley, Programming Intern Recently someone asked me a thought-provoking question: “If you could have every Christian in America read one book, what would it be?”  My answer came rather quickly: Knowing God by J.I. Packer.  J.I. Packer is…

My family made a big move when I was seven, and I found myself starting second grade at a brand new school. During the first week of this new school, I was approached by a classmate outside the bathrooms who…

By: Josh Hussung It’s a day that you prayed wouldn’t come. You discover that the search history on your computer or phone shows that it has. Your child has been searching for internet pornography. Sadly, this is somewhat of a…

This is the last post in our series on pursuing discipline in 2017. This post will likely be the most difficult of the five areas we have considered. I say that because the average US household has around $90k in…

New Year’s is such a powerful time because it’s an opportunity to start over. Bethany Hamilton is such an encouragement in this area.  After the professional surfer had her left arm bit off by a shark in 2013, she made…