Guest Post

I remember the first time I met Brad Sykes, it was also the first time I met Ben and Jake Sykes. Brad and I were serving on a committee for a men’s ministry and I was floored that he brought…

By Rodney A. Is your youth ministry needing a pick-me-up? Are you looking for a way to get students excited about the Lord? You might think, “Maybe a short-term missions trip is the answer! A little time in a third…

Johnny Cash sang the story of a boy who shined shoes. He said that the boy was doing hard work, not for a lot of money, but he was visibly happy. Johnny wanted to know how in the world this…

Originally published on Challies blog on August 16, 2017, by Tim Challies. It happens. We wish it didn’t happen and perhaps even try to pretend it doesn’t happen. But the tragic and undeniable reality is that there is abuse within…

The family is a God-ordained reality. It is not just a social construct or an institution with puritanical roots that can be thrown off as if it were an outdated, repressive practice. The family is God built, God designed, God-glorifying,…

The leaves are changing, the fields have turned to gold, we finally got some cooler weather (sort of), and our Harvest Festivals are right around the corner — there’s no doubt that it is fall here in the beautiful state of…

An excerpt from The Disciple-Making Parent by Chap Bettis I can still remember the kick to my stomach. For the past nine months I had known we were going to have a baby. Sharon and I had talked about her, planned for…

This month we have been thinking about ways to tackle school. We have looked at how to read, write, and even specifically, how to use our cell phone wisely. I wanted to look at one more area that I think…

by Steve Coleman Recently I was sitting in a meeting and got one of those texts that make you nervous; it read, “I need to talk to you about something that happened last night.” Immediately the nervousness hit at the…

I recently had some friends move to Louisville. Matt feels called to ministry and knew that a good next step would be some seminary training. The only problem is that Matt never got his undergraduate degree. Matt is such a…