Guest Post

Check Out these official Crossings 2014 Playlists! Whether its bumpin’ at the shack, or ringing out in the worship center, you’re sure to hear some great new tunes this summer at Crossings. We want you to be familiar with all…

  Camp is just around the corner, and it’s time to get packed!  Did you remember to pack your 80’s dance clothes for this year’s Just Dance: 80’s night? Wondering what else you might have forgotten?  Our all new, in-house…

Camp has finally arrived and is in full-swing at both Jonathan Creek and Cedarmore! Adults and students alike are enjoying all that Crossings 2014 has to offer. Although the heart and mission of Crossings will never change, we are consistently…

As you plan and prepare for camp this summer at Jonathan Creek, don’t forget to check out one of our latest additions to our programming elements – the Aerial Adventure Park!   The old climbing tower and wall have been…

The wait is finally over! What better way to kick start the summer than by announcing the launch of our 2015 camp theme – REBUILD! By definition, to rebuild means to “build again” something that once was complete, but has…

As Summer Staff arrived last week for their first day of training, they were met with the opportunity to take part in a special evening for the ministry. Alongside Crossings Staff, current and former board members and families spent the…

Over the last week, we have seen a greatly anticipated transition take place at Jonathan Creek and Cedarmore. Golf carts have once again become the main source of transportation. The lake has been adorned with inflatables. Summer staff have arrived…

When asked what someone’s favorite part of Crossings is, you will likely hear countless different answers. Some will mention the zip lines, others the worship and some the Boat Race. Yet, more than any other answer, the one most people…

Over the past 15 summers at Crossings we have seen many changes as we grow and develop. However, as many of us know, there is one thing that has remained through the years; a time-honored tradition that is highly anticipated…

At Crossings, we are consistently on the lookout for new and exciting additions for our camp properties. Alongside these additions, we also desire to be constantly improving upon what we already have. This year our staff has been working day and night to…